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Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Comprehensive "Must-have Free Stuff Guide for Game-Guru" (part 1)

Just in time for Christmas, as promised!  My comprehensive free stuff list :)
Please note - there are a massive amount of free items out there.  It's to the point where I couldn't even HOPE to put them all in one place.  This is just a list for you to get started with.

As I've stated before, Game-Guru is not an exceptionally powerful engine.  It's primary strengths are really in three or four main areas:

  • Community - the community is tight knit and not full of knobs.  Very nice people helping each other really is a refreshing change of pace.
  • Dev team - despite their size and at times inexperience, they remain dedicated and are constantly improving the product.
  • Shaders - this is the cheapest price point to get a shader-capable game engine shy of working in unreal/etc.    But those professional engines have something this one lacks:
  • Assets.  Assets galore.  Granted, I'd say maybe 20% are AAA rated, most slot into the serviceable category and a few are in the 'backdrop only' area.  But still - for the price of a single 'component' for Unity you can buy an entire artist's 600 piece collection in Game-Guru.
 Exceptionally good tools at unity, but the price orients that towards a professional studio.

On the note of 600 piece artist collections, here are the three I had in mind:

But we're not here to discuss paid collections are we?  We're here to discuss free ones.
So without much delay - here's my list of free stuff (volume 1) of must-have freebies.
TGC Store:

Game-Guru Files:
- Favorites:
3rd Party Sites:

Forum Freebies:
Forum Freebie Scripts:
And the granddaddy of scripts collections: Smallg's massive script stockpile

As stated, there's tons more out there.  Use the forums, the tgcstore, google, whatever you can to get the free stuff.  Support the authors when you can- most of these guys do this for fun and I go out of my way to purchase some of their pay items as way of a thank you for their hard work. 

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