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Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Status Update 2/1/16

Another monday, another project.
I keep getting more added to my plate at work here without getting much taken off.  I find myself accidentally 'volunteering' for more stuff.


Non work related, my wife bought a very expensive 'print-making' printer for her paintings.  If you're interested, check out her poll over here:

Current status:
  • Books - I began work again on 'MITC' - which is something I don't talk about much.  It's designed to be a short story for a collection I will do.  I'm up to 10k words on that one.
  • Game stuff - Made a free HD sky for game-guru owners here:
  • Tyr's Blade (My mechwarrior unit) is growing slowly and steadily.  Things going well there - newbies are getting better!
  • Game design - I bought the Sci-Fi pack from TGC; I'm satisfied with it but need to figure out what I want to make with it in terms of my existing project.
  • MWDA - did some work on my custom re-work of the game rules.  I have some new ideas I am going to run through and possibly integrate shortly.  Thinking of taking my work into offshoot territory.
Coming up this week:
A review of OldFlak's work!
A technique post on 'how to do interior shadows' in game-guru!
And more :)

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