First of all, progress on the Game-Guru update to PBR/DX11 & bugfixes are coming along nicely. Recent updates can be found here:
Most recent engine update progress
Lee has basically indicated he's in the bugfixing phase and he's squashing them in pretty rapid fashion. I'd list them all here but he's put in over 40 items in the changelog this week alone.
He's also giving us a test level to work with that will take an older demo map and show off the fully upgraded engine's capabilities.
There's a whole host of new products on the store. Notably very capable artists such as Wolf, Mad Lobster's Workshop, Bugsy and others are adding some really great things.BSP's newest rifle looks phenomenal! |
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Just one picture of one of my best skies ever, free for you all :) |
One thing of note is that Ken "AKA Grobyken" has made some pretty stunning progress in his work. He attributes it to using some new tools for development. I personally can't say I'd have the same success if I had better tools.
I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye or three on his upcoming works. |
Of note this week is Bod (of Bod's Mods fame) has made a very impressive free train set. It includes Three steamers, a rail model, a coal car, a dining car with functioning doors, and a caboose. The art is his signature style with clean and simple graphics.It's something I'm surprised isn't selling on the store for a few dollars, but honestly I'm happy for the free stuff, as usual.
Obviously my Light Kit is now available on the store, which does in a sense count as third party tools, however the big news here is that it appears that BOTR's 'terrain heightmap importer', 'autowelder', and 'entity welder' are all getting updates.The one of primary interest to me will be the terrain heightmap importer, which has fit a crucial slot in Game-Guru development by providing us a simple and clean way to import heightmaps directly into the engine.
"for version 1.2, I quickly added a progress bar and will get a fully functional GUI implemented so you don't have to keep editing/saving the .INI file. added .tga format also."
For those who are using it, my personal recommendation is to use terrainxscale = 1, terrainyscale = 6.5 or 7.5 (10-32 if you want especially dramatic elevation changes), and a water level of about 450. This should give you the best results.
This is where I plan to put anything in the realm of game demos or videos which are of special consideration for any reason I deem fit :)First off, we have a really impressive demo of the now updated Cogwheel Chronicles. It features airship to airship combat done in Game-Guru and is striking to me as a Lua coder at the sheer volume of work that went into making this work.
And lastly there's this great Holiday video done by often quiet forum member shn33ky. He's done a really good job of recreating a beer commercial from years gone by.
Oh.. and somehow I got user of the month for the first time in four years. What the heck? Well, ok then :) Glad someone's appreciating the work I put into this stuff.
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