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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

This Week in GameGuru - 10/27/2019

This article represents solely the opinion of the author and does not reflect the opinions or views of r The Game Creators, it's employees, or subordinates.  It likewise does not reflect the views or opinions of and it's staff.  The author receives no compensation for this work and it is done solely as a service for the GameGuru community at large.

Another week, another belated TWIGG report.
Unfortunately this is turning into the norm for me as I am consistently overwhelmed by real world factors that hopefully will slow down come early next year.
In the interim I will crank these out as often and as on time as I can manage.

GameGuru News


This week we've seen a significant amount of activity on 'project V3' on github.  Some of what I'm seeing there is very exciting!

Notable elements include an update to Character Creator, load time tweaks, GUI updates and more.
Very exciting stuff!

The SUPERB enhanced weapon pack is on sale this week as well for as low as you will likely ever see it - definitely pick it up now if you are ever going to pick it up!

What's Good in the Store

Finally got my Cyberpunk Noir guns up

If you are a book purchaser and haven't gotten a redemption code for them, please let me know!

Book sales have obviously tapered off; like games they have a really big front end and a longer back end.  If you haven't purchased a copy, try using this code to save 20%:  AITGG230
Use it at this link here:

You can also find the additional book resources there for free under 'additional resources'.

This week also had several great packs show up:

Gtox added a prehistoric critter pack (GameGuru Ark clone, anyone?)

And Fredgames77 continues rapidly cranking out high quality models, this time in the form of a building tool pack!

Free Stuff Mipastu put in a pretty clever fix for AI getting stuck on walls and corners by making an 'AI wall' which essentially allows you to keep them from getting to problem areas.  Definitely worth the download.

Third Party Tools and Tutorials

Looks like BOTR is integrating his heightmap importer INTO GameGuru's github code as a branch.  This is very exciting to me and I'm really hoping we see that additional functionality implemented sooner rather than later! Additional details can be found here:

Random Acts of Creativity(WIPs)

Synchromesh has added some new music to his excellent Protascope game (by DuchenKuke):

Cybernessence put up a new screenshot for his epic GameGuru work "The CogWheel Chronicles":

And this blurb about the latest changes he's made:

"I've re-written the player swimming to use the physics capsule, it's much better now - though it did need a new lua command to fine tune it (SetWorldGravity) - which will come in handy for the barsoom levels too.

I also updated the in-game terrain loading to load associated entities (it was only loading terrain and grass before from the fpm and positioning anywhere in the world) and added the DCO to it, to keep silky smooth play. The memory seems to be paging in and out properly, so if I load one terrain/level part then delete and load another the memory is smoothing out. Still got a lot of testing to do to make sure this holds up with 16 different fpm's loaded on the fly, and I did hit a 'random' crash bug that took me days and days to find (this was in my added mods not GG stock code) ."

He's done incredible work which I hope to see integrated by middle of next year at the latest.  Time will tell though!

Naelurec has some updates with details and technical information but also these great new menu screenshots:

Really simple, clever, and clean.  I like it a lot.  You can get more info here:

In My Own Works

I've recently begun putting together another HQ space skies set, but run into some snags.  Expect a few freebies of my throwaways along with a new pack on the store in the near future!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

This Week in GameGuru - 10/21/2019

GameGuru News

Some of the secret squirrel sleuths found this gem buried in GitHub - make of it what you will:

What's Good in The Store

There's a lot of good one off products this week:

Corrosion's Survival Scripts are in a pack.

Fredgames77 made some highly detailed zombie garden gnomes.

Third Party Tools and Tutorials

<This space for rent>

Sorry guys, nothing new here :(

Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs)

Galaxy Hauler (By Honkeyboy) had a video put up that is fairly enticing:

Zelick's project "Neir" had some updates here:

Naelurec by Old Flak has put up some more great screenshots:

I love seeing a project with custom modelling. This kind of thing is what this community needs - more homebrew stuff with consistent art direction and quality design.  It should really stand out once it's completed.

Robert Hindle (Bod) and AmenMoses's latest work on a flyable spitfire looks great, as one could reasonably expect!

Free Stuff

If you didn't get Granada's excellent free shotgun last week, get it this week! AlexGCC made a free 'Russian Sign'!

In My Own Works

Life is still hectic with the basement remodel, work issues, new baby, etc.  However I've been slowly nicking away at getting minor things taken care of as well as outstanding issues.  I've recently begun making new skies for space settings again - but none of the newest batch has been up to par.  I'll probably release the failures as freebies once again.

Lastly, my Cyberpunk Noir weapons kit is FINALLY fixed and on the store.  If you are a book owner, ask me for a free key so you can get a copy of these for free.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

This Week in GameGuru - 10/14/2019

My apologies for the late updates.  It's been an absolute nightmare dealing with some of my recent work changes so this has unfortunately dropped massively in priority.

GameGuru News

The Monthly newsletter discussed my book being available. Thanks TGC - I appreciate it greatly.
There's also a free version of GG now, though it's a test version with a limited time of access.  Should help entice new users.
There were some minor fixes to the PP edition, which is essentially using the latest, most up to date version. Notably there was a load/save Game Stats fix which should help games that make it into production.

What's Good in The Store

Lots of new things are available!  One of which is of course some of the Cyberpunk Noir assets from my book materials!

If you are NOT a purchaser of the book but want some of the static assets (weapons are on the way, once I untangle a few things with free time I don't have currently) then feel free to puchase these! If you do own the book - hit me up on discord for a free code to download it.

Valentin321 put together this great looking motorboat:
There were also some scripts by corrosion, check his store page here:
Teabone made some really well priced scripts as well:
Sula made some great looking PBR trucks -
Fredgames77 has put up some excellent cemetery models:
Pasquill put up a really superb armored vehicle -
AlexGCC put a number of great models up but I really like his apocalypse truck:
Northern put out a very nice VIP model with a decent array of scripts and animations making it a good value:

And for 'most interesting/innovative' item on the store in the past month or so, we have Erart's impressively weird ghost mirror. You have to watch the video to see what I mean:

How cool is that?  Anyways, you can get your copy here:

Free Stuff

Granada made this fantastic free shotgun!  - get your copy at that link.
Tarkus 1971 made some pretty excellent music available for free:
Some great scripts found their way onto the net as well such as
smallg's 'racing script'
And Amenmoses's 'cold breath' script:

Notably for me though is the Airplane script he posted to discord.  There's a video in the 'random acts of creativity' section of it.  It's really good stuff!

Third Party Tools and Tutorials

This week there's some interesting Russian Language videos (I love auto-translate) on youtube for GameGuru:

And also:

Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs)

Amenmoses is working with Bod on making GG into a flight sim.  This has to be seen to be believed at this link: - Bonesy's Cyberfi updates look good but the colors are still painful to me.  I realize it's the style, of course, it's just hard for me to watch. That said, it has potential so hopefully he'll keep refining it
I'm happy to see Honkeyboy has revived his galaxy-hopping game. While it lacks polish the core components look really great and I'm looking forward to seeing his future work on this!

Dietara got some video updates.  This blog post is already really saturated though so I can't post much more safely - so here's a link to where you can find some more:

In My Own Works

I want nothing more than to work on GameGuru projects I have outstanding but between the end stages of a basement remodel, a new baby, work woes, and the myriad other things clutching me I simply can't spare the time.  On my list of things I want to get done by the end of the year:
   - Some new script releases for the store
   - Get those @#$% weapons posted to the store
   - Make some new space skies
   - Work on my own game project

Lastly, thanks to everyone who has supported me by purchasing my book.  I'm going through some hard times right now and it's good to know that the year  of time it took me to make that is seeing some use by more people than I expected.