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Monday, February 25, 2019

This Week in GameGuru - 02/25/2019

Official GameGuru News

This week we have some information from the man himself - apparently Lee is hard at work at working on a new beta version that will be dropping shortly for beta testers.  This will eventually trickle down as a PP build, then a public build. 

Here's to hoping for a big pile of those issues getting cleared and some GUI functionality added!

Also, if you missed it the weapons DLC is on sale.

What's good in the store 

This week in the store it looks like a user named CryneX put some games up.  Nice to see the store expanding it's function.  There's been some back-chatter of opening it up even more to help boost sales further.

Beyond that there's some candles by MStockton and a HUGE destructible buildings kit by 3com (100 buildings or more!)

Free Stuff

Tarkus1971 provided more free music to the cause:

Osiem80 posted some free boxes here:

Wolf made another fantastic bar set to complement his old freebie:

Lafette II has been putting out an astonishing amount of quality free work:

The generosity of some in the community never ceases to amaze me.  Remember to say thank you to all of the people willing to dedicate their time and efforts to your projects!

Third Party Tools and Tutorials

Cybernessence summed up how to use an FPP file to smooth your standalone's creation (I'll admit, I already covered this in my book but if you want to see how to do this before it comes out - here you go!)

PirateMyke hit us with some big knowledge on the gunspec file:

Graphix put about 5 threads up on the forum about a wide range of topics.  Check them out here:

Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs) 

3com has gone from breaking buildings to burning foliage.  Really interesting stuff.  You can find the video on it here:

PirateMyke has been making leaps and bounds with Mega Pack 3's update.  He posted a video on it earlier this week but check out this screenshot of some of the updates:

Gorgeous.  You should see it side by side with one of the old DNIS buildings.  It's night and day. The video can be found here:

In My Own Works

I spoke with my publisher this morning and while I'm a little behind on my book due to the sheer volume of pictures and it's corresponding level of work, I have committed to wrapping up my submission by middle of next week. I'm very, VERY close now.  The editing process is mostly done.  I'm finishing up the formatting and typesetting which is extremely specific. Truly though, I'm looking forward to being finished.  This great endeavor has proven exhausting and I'll be happy to be completed.

Monday, February 18, 2019

This Week in GameGuru - 02/18/2019

Official GameGuru News

Aside from the occasional random PBR update, there really hasn't been much from TheGameCreators in terms of what's going on with GameGuru and this has caused some level of concern within the community.  Hopefully we'll hear something new soon. 

What's Good In The Store

Nothing new the past few weeks.  It's a little disappointing to see but at the moment there's nothing GameGuru specific that really struck my fancy.

Free Stuff
Lafette II has been dropping some extremely high quality models for free in this thread for several weeks now:

Like this greenhouse:
Along with many others.
Graphix has been doing great things with model updates for PBR but in his spare time a few weeks back he found time to put together some fantastic racks for a warehouse:

Ironically for my book last night I was putting together a warehouse using these types of models, though I had to fudge it with scaffolding instead.  This would have been extremely helpful!

Lastly Superclark has been putting up lots of FPSC Classic items that are reupholstered in PBR textures:

And because I missed it - belidos made a 'simple quest chain system' -

Third Party Tools and Tutorials

Arteria3D is having a "GameGuru special" this month:

Also Game Launch Creator is running a 25% off sale for February:

Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs)

Gtox put up an interesting video of him breaking walls :)

The past two weeks have had an influx of projects and updates.  Here's a short list:
Cold Cable finally has an english release - he's looking for testers:

DJPulsion's unnamed game, says he has over a year into development.  Looks decent as far as first attempts go:

Bonesy's Sci-Fi Shooter:
Note the angled text, courtesy of AmenMoses

Duchenkuke's newest level in his own game:
To me, the use of color and foliage is second to none right now.
Mookai's 'Welcome to Manchester' looks well put together:

Psalm of Salem has a fairly solid design structure to it:
I dig the atmosphere. Looks just spooky enough.

Cybernessence's 'Cogwheel Chronicles' is looking more epic by the day:
Yes, that's a flyable seaplane!
And I think that's about it - what a monster list.  Keep up the great work guys!

In My Own Works

The book nears completion.  I mean it, truly, at least as a work of my own.  I'm at around 110 pictures of a required 125. It's a grind putting together graphics, images, info, and the like.  I've obtained a few last second pieces of info from Lee as well.

It's a huge amount of work and I'm genuinely thankful to all who have assisted me with it.  On that note, expect some messaging on that front as I will need some papers signed so I have your official permission (later this week).

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Apologies for the missed report this week

Life obligations have caught up to me.  I have too many things juggling right now and until I get some cleared it's too difficult to set aside the extra 3-5 hours necessary to put together the weekly report. I should have another one next week, but may have to go biweekly for a short time until I clear some things.

Thanks for the support everyone and talk to you soon!

Monday, February 4, 2019

This Week in GameGuru - 02/04/2019

Official GameGuru News:

Well, another pack got more of a PBR DLC treatment:

Lee made a minor series of patches on Github centering around some slight code changes. He also made a new branch on Github for alpha releases.

On an aside, this week the Facebook GameGuru community group (click here for a link) was recently given a new administrator or three.  As a result it's in the middle of a facelift.  Given this is a community run Facebook page, it's definitely going to start being more active if you're into that kind of thing.

What's Good in The Store:

MStockton put up a new script (well priced) that allows you to display a map when the M Key is pressed.  Campana Productions added a glass wall maze set, which is a fairly interesting system I'd consider taking a look at.

Free Stuff:

Lafette II put up a link to all of his free works as well as a greenhouse.  Check it out here:

Third Party Tools and Tutorials:

This week on the store someone added Game Launcher Creator for 24.99 - it's a great utility and it comes highly recommended from some users I interviewed for my book.

Random Acts of Creativity (WIPs):

Duchenkuke continues to show his mastery over outdoor environments.  He's added some beautiful screenshots for his first level....

and gave teasers of his second...

I have to say, it's definitely refreshing to see someone with proficiency using the engine to it's fullest.

Bonesy continues work on his unique cyberpunk shooter:

And in other news I found this great gem of a re-texture by Wolf.  He took one of the war-torn buildings and fixed some of the model's polys.  He then cleaned up the texture and... wow.  What a night and day difference!

In other news I got a request to review some games that are being released on steam.  I was given some free DLC keys to review them.  I will probably get to that after my book is with the publisher, but right now I'm simply too crunched to take private requests like this. In the meantime, keep on chugging guys and gals!

In My Own Works:


This week I got good news back from my publisher and bad news.  The first bit is I won't have to rewrite all of my content, which is great.  It really shaves time down so I can keep the personalized style I went with for it.
The downside is I need all of my pictures ready when I submit, meaning I spent 4 hours yesterday night making just a spreadsheet to keep track of the 167 pictures going into the book.
That's before I even get the pictures in!
That said if I can have this done by the end of the week we'll be moving to formatting, then submission!