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Monday, July 23, 2018

This Week in Game-Guru - 07/23/2018

In an effort to keep things brief but functional here at the blog I'm going to rattle through some of the newest offerings as quickly as I can here.

Official Game Guru News

On 7/18 a public preview release was unleashed which had a significant amount of updates to it in prep for one of the largest mainstream releases to date.  This public preview version features a host of fixes as well as a major lighting overhaul (thank god, bout time!) . 

Further details/specifics can be found here:

Also there was an announcement that the sci-fi pack got some extra goodies for it.

And also there was a teaser info drop on the forthcoming update:
"In other GameGuru news, we are almost ready to release the next big update, featuring a massive list of additions and changes. The last announcement for the Public Preview build revealed many of these new items, but we have added more to the list since - such as the new ability to append animation data to models and, perhaps even better, add hundreds of dynamic lights into your game scenes. "

Now we're talking!

Third party tools and tutorials

Looks like we have some really great tutorials on the way on using third party utilities to make Game-Guru assets!

Random Acts of Creativity

Guns of solo is coming along nicely though I think it needs a good bit more work finishing up visuals and refining textures.  The basic textures provide a good starting point but I'd personally touch them up in an editor to ensure they really look the part.

Still, tthe improved atmospherics are really great and making this move towards a reasonably capable shooter game.

Next we have an interesting update by Tarkus on his vaunted 'Savior' series, with the most recent 'Savior v3'. 

It appears he's begun experimenting with various shaders to give a cartoon or smudgy effect to his graphics.  This is a good technique for working with the often disparate textures and models we end up with as GG developers but can't be relied on to completely resolve any inconsistencies.  Overall his use of clutter is a little much but it's looking good and I'm hopeful he'll complete the project.  It so far looks better than most of the stuff out there and I really think he's on the right track with development - most importantly (he is sticking with the development!).  This is an often overlooked but crucial part of gamedev that people who are dabbling in game-making often miss - STICK with your projects over years if you want to be able to release anything - but don't be afraid to call it done if it's not perfect so you can move on to your next learning experience/game.

Lastly we see some updates by the Cogwork Chronicles which has added a night zone.  This particular change really modifies the dynamic of the quirky but impressive steampunk game and honestly I like the direction it's going.

Personally I think the lighting needs a touch more work to really hammer home the feel but overall it's looking fantastic.

What's new in the Store

Corrosion's back at it with his 'Super Enhanced AI'.  I'm... not sure.  I mean what he describes sounds like a solid overhaul in the description (from one AI dev to another), but without seeing any ACTUAL video or comparison directly it makes it virtually impossible to actually tell from a buyer's point of view.  So Caveat Emptor, friends.

I also wanted to mention that I've lowered the prices on ALL of my products going forward.  They've been up there for quite some time and I feel it's about time to reflect that as the progress made by others in the community have brought up the overall quality of products on the store.  I've brought DOWN my prices to reflect that.  So enjoy!

Free Stuff

Sadly the free stuff area has really dwindled down in terms of models/etc.  But there's still some stuff out there.  Personally I'm not a fan of taking everyone else's cast offs as they learn, but you can still nab some free stuff if you are in dire need.  JPH Games has put out a few items for download here:

Though not to a standard I'd personally use in my projects, it could still find a home so definitely take a look.

More importantly though over on the Lua scripting area, we have several major updated pieces of code that are definitely worth grabbing:
Amenmoses updated Dvader's body code:
Amenmoses (a few weeks ago, I missed it) released a text based sprite library.  Really solid stuff, as usual!

In My Own Works

While the constant updating of Game-Guru has been fantastic from a developer standpoint, it's been HELL from a writer's standpoint.  I have entire sections that have to be rewritten, thrown out, or updated.  It's been a nightmare in that respect and I'm looking forward to when people are resting on their laurels for a bit so I can catch a moment to breathe.  I'll get there though. I just need to wait until a major release and then unload all the writing I can on the book.

Monday, July 16, 2018

This Week in Game-Guru - 7/16/2018

I'll be the first to admit I've been overwhelmed by life and a bit burned out on Game-Guru.   This has coupled to a sort of fallout with doing this blog, which I will have to start making some changes to to make it more functional from my standpoint.  At least, in the near term.

I will try dropping the 'whats new in the store' as this section alone takes inordinate amounts of time for this blog.

Game-Guru Official News:

Game-Guru continues their march forward with Github-powered updates.  It's producing a lot more over this last year than it's done in the last 4 or so, so it's a lot to keep up with.  The latest batch of updates resolved the following:

"Back in the main product, we continue to improve existing features as much as adding new ones, specifically an improvement to the depth buffer which controls the fidelity of visuals when viewing objects at a distance.  In the previous update, some camera distance settings could lower the resolution of the depth buffer causing z-artifacts, which has now been solved by a higher quality depth map.
We'll continue to upgrade more entities to PBR assets in the background, and in the meantime, if you want to get your hands on the GameGuru Mega Pack 1 DLC, it's currently on promotion right now:"

However in addition to materials updates for existing 'mega packs' and the addition of a new construction pack, there's also engine-based updates which are pretty regular now.  I wish they'd produce patch notes, however, to help make my job curating it a bit easier as there's simply too much to follow at any given time.

Regardless, it's still coming along nicely.

There's also this gem:

With Preben adding some very big updates to the lighting system.  I've also heard that others are adding 'panther AI' to the game engine as well.

What's new in the store:

Check it for yourself this week :P

More seriously though this is the most stand-out item of the last few weeks - pasquill's shipping containers set.  Very well priced, very high quality.

For four dollars, you can't beat that.
Also - I've updated the pricing on my own store items, significantly reducing MANY of the cost of packs as they stand.  Some are down 15-75% in cost.  Check out the packs here today!


Notably I found this awesome addition:
A free gun, by Bugsy!  Really awesome stuff.


Ok so.. yeah. This one I'll circle back to.  There's literally too much to go over and I've already spent hours aggregating a lot of this information.


Some new games have been released.  It's nice to see DK productions re-working Hunted: A Step too far along with some hush hush stuff I was given some early teasers on.

Bugsy's been especially active lately, with a lot of testing and updates:

Check out that skyline!

A cartoony western by Slaur3n -


Ehhhhh.  Don't make me talk about this.  I'm obviously lagging on this.  But mostly I need to get off my ass and start working on work-related things for Game-Guru.