Official Game-Guru News:
This past week marks the latest release of the public preview updates, specifically bringing us to a 3rd major update with PP. The full list of commits are available here:
There's a lot of good stuff in there ranging from updates to scripts to making sky a scriptable change via Lua. Most importantly of course work continues on updating fixes for broken default items.
I personally noticed my rain system and some other weather effect systems I have available on my Advanced Time of Day and Weather system aren't functioning normally. I'll have an update for that as soon as I can but unfortunately am bombarded with my day job's work right now.
For now play around with the newest update and make sure you are submitting problems via the issue tracker here:
It appears the Fantasy Pack is including more character creation gear, notably headgear for male/female models. This is a welcome improvement over a system that has a lot of underused potential.
New Products on the Store:
Nothing really new here. Some minor scripting items, a swing set, and some music. At this point though, nothing to really write home about unless you need some of this stuff. Expect more of an uptick during the summer months, especially after PP goes live.
Free Stuff:
Graphix continues exercising his increased prowess with 3D models. There's some miscellaneous free items here:
Lafayette II put up a free tree here:
Third Party Tools:
Looks like BOTR has finally started to settle back into regular daily life after having his first little one and has begun working on his suite of third party programs. Notably work has been done on his DBO/.X data importer.
Random Acts of Creativity:
No real updates here to write home about. More next week, maybe. I guess people are prepping for Easter or winding down from a long winter.
In My Own Works:
My book has slowed down; I'm at 50,000 words or so but having to rewrite a segment which I was borrowing too heavily from my blog cost me about a weeks worth of writing. I am re-writing it from the ground up and that's unfortunately a costly affair. Overall I'm on track for being in 1st-2nd draft territory by September (which is my personal goal). Onwards and upwards!